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The photographic installation Giada started as a side image for the performance Primo ciclo by Giada Meggiolaro and Nereo Marulli, performed in Vicenza on the 9th June 2012 during Entrata d’Emergenza, and then developed into Liquid Humor, proposed in Berlin on the 19th August for Italy & Friends Support Tacheles. The relationship of the photographic medium with the performance is re-conceived by starting from the refusal of a sheer reportage, trying instead to create a structural connection likely to share the same subjects and suggestions as the performative act. Giada’s face, taken through the porthole of an industrial washing machine, marked by the scratches of wear and tear, is crossed by a continuous presence/absence. At first glance it stands out as a main subject, while technically the focus of the image is on the glass; its plasticity becomes liquid and light through backlighting; the referential character of a portrait is denied by its pictorial iconicity, in a dialectic oscillating between surface and depth, between representation and abstraction.

Giada (2012)

Duratrans print, lightbox, wooden box – cm 30×38


entrata d’emergenza

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