Terrestri is a video installation. Some faces, photographed up close, look at us frontally one after the other, with a simple and direct look. They are seen through a scratched glass, so in some moments they seems, rather than a face, a reflection of it. Little by little, as we look at these faces, something seems to waver in their identities. A slow but continuous transformation runs through their appearance, and a strange vagueness creeps between their respective differences. From that moment, while we look at them, even our gaze becomes less sure of itself, and begins to slip inside the individual faces, and between a face and the next, in an attempt to counter that uncertainty and to steal some kind of of truth. They are faces that become the ghost of themselves, and without losing anything of their singularity, they converge towards the memory of other faces, of other singularities. “Who are you?”, is the question implied in each portrait; but every attempt to obtain a definitive answer breaks with the radical alterity, the ambiguity, of every face. In front of his enigma.