I was born in Vicenza (Italy) in 1967, where I live and work. I studied painting at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Venice and Modern Literature at the University of Padua, gradually integrating photography, cinema, and video into my work.
I worked with Circolo del Cinema Fahrenheit 451° in Montecchio Maggiore (VI) (1994-1999), then with the Passoridotto cultural centre in Vicenza (1997-1998), and finally with the Solaris collective (2000-2007), creating multimedia installations, experimental short films, and curating art-house film festivals.
I am a professional photographer from 1995; since 2019 I have been teaching photography in various institutes in the Veneto region.
Since 2010 I have been part of the visual and performance art collective Jennifer rosa, as author of video, photographic and performance projects.
Since 2020, I have been one of the authors of Di Sana Pianta, a cultural review that proposes heterogeneous investigations around the role that humans play in the indissoluble bond with the substance of the natural world.
In 2023 I started a collaboration with the association UBIF – una breve indagine fotografica, conducting projects and workshops on landscape photography.
My work lies on a borderline: between a lucid, non-impulsive mode of operation and the irreducibility of memory, the density of time, the depth of experience.

+39 347 48 96 794




Sept. 2024
Dove si cammina
(with UBIF)
è social (Vicenza)

Dec. 2023
Arcipelago Brenta
(with UBIF)
Villa Borromeo Fantoni, Fontaniva (PD)

Feb. 2020
Andrea Rosset
Immagini mai viste
(Instant exhibition)
Bottega Faustino (Vicenza)

June 2018
Nuovo orario
Chiuso durante il giorno
Studio Furin Grotto (Vicenza)

June 2018
Ten Artists in the light of Caravaggio
Larnaka Municipal Art Gallery (Cyprus)

May 2018
Still Life
(Project Fo.To)
Fusion Art Gallery, Turin

Oct. 2017
Teatro Astra, Vicenza

Jul. 2017
Progetto 021UP
(collective exhibition)
Le Laite, Conco (VI)

Apr. 2016
Andrea Rosset: Intra
Fusion Art Gallery, Turin

Apr. 2016
(collective exhibition)
Incipit, Vicenza

Sept. 2015
Alter Logos
(with Jennifer rosa)
Fusion Art Gallery, Turin

May. 2015
Here you are
(with Jennifer rosa)
Palazzo Fogazzaro, Schio (VI)

May. 2015
Arturo a Pelle
Pellestrina (VE)

Mar. 2015
Here you are
(with Jennifer rosa)
Spazio Bixio, Vicenza

Sept. 2014
Impersonal solo show
(with Jennifer rosa)
Laconia Gallery, Boston, MA – USA

Jul./Nov. 2014
Presenze contemporanee
(with Penzo+Fiore)
Museo del paesaggio di Torre di Mosto (TV)

Jul./Aug. 2014
F4 / un’idea di fotografia
(with Jennifer rosa)
Pieve di Soligo (Treviso)

Jul./Aug, 2013
(with Jennifer rosa)

Jul. 2013
Pulsart restart
(with Jennifer rosa)
Schio (Vicenza)

Aug. 2012
(with Jennifer rosa, Greta Bisandola)
Emerson Gallery, Berlin – DE

Apr. 2011
Still Life
Tacheles, Berlin – DE

Jan. 2011
Madri e Figlie
(Jennifer rosa)
Tacheles, Berlin – DE

Sept. 2010
Conservative Forces
(with Andrea Penzo, Cristina Fiore, Elisa Dal Corso, Fiorenzo Zancan)
Abnormals Gallery, Berlin – DE

Jul. 2010
Walking Freedom Fort 2010
Forte Marghera, Venezia

June 2008
Festival Sguardi Sonori 2008
Schio (Vicenza), Bomarzo (Viterbo), Tivoli (Rome)

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