visible flow

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This project have been developed from ashared experience of one year along the banks of a short stretch of the Retrone River, in Vicenza (Italy), between a geographer, Chiara Spadaro, and a photographer, merging these disciplines into a single reflection on inhabiting and understanding the margins – the riverbanks. The proposition of geo-photography as an interdisciplinary research metho situated at theintersection of science and art, is put forward, in the wake of creative geographies. This approach, which is rarely adopted in the geographical academic world, aims to raise awareness and cultivate sensitivity towards waterways. However, it is of significant value in the investigation of the ongoing transformations in the urban landscape where the riverflows and it appears to hold great promise in opening new perspectives, especially in the capacity of exchange and communicating with other ongoing initiatives for the protection of the riverscape. This approach involves a repositioning of the focal point to encompass the intricate interplay between water and land. The objective is to transcend the conventional anthropocentric and exploitive paradigm on waterscapes in favour of an egalitarian interspecies research approach within this landscape.
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